Anatomical research

Anatomical research conducted at 91AV has two primary foci: (1) Characterization of the course and position of nerves for the purpose of identifying potential sites of nerve entrapment and routes for intervention; and (2) characterization of the relationship between myofascial elements of the abdominal and lumbar regions for the purpose of furthering our understanding of low back pain and potential countermeasures.

Research in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine applies osteopathic concepts and techniques to a fundamental knowledge of anatomy and its structure-function relationship to treat specific areas of the body. The goal is to document these specific treatments for decreased pain and increased functionality of a specific area of the body. Measuring these outcomes, both objectively and subjectively, allows for increased reproducibility and enhanced treatment protocols for pain and vestibular complaints.


Mark Schuenke
Associate Chair
Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, COM (Anatomy)
Stella Maris Hall 418

Professional Staff

Oran Suta
Instructional Designer, Multimedia Medical Curriculum
Medical Illustrator
Adjunct Professor of Design and Illustration
Harold Alfond Center for Health Sciences 246A