Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct and Resolution supports students, faculty, and professional staff in reporting matters of misconduct by addressing concerns through timely and equitable investigations and providing guidance on reasonable and fair resolutions. We educate the community on policies, rights, resources, and standards of behavior while overseeing the university’s Code of Conduct and process.

Responsible and Ethical Decision Making

Our Student Conduct System supports the educational mission of the University through educating students about appropriate behavior and fostering a community in which academic success can occur. Further, we seek to inspire the development of future leaders and responsible citizens by engaging students in responsible and ethical decision-making. Students are treated with respect and expected to take appropriate responsibility for their behavior and the behavior of those around them. The Student Conduct System is designed to fairly and equitably address behavior that has a negative impact on the University so that all can comfortably live, work, and study in an academic community of great integrity.

The mission of the Student Conduct System is three-fold:

  • To maintain an environment conducive to the academic success of all students.
  • To protect the rights of all members of the University community.
  • To provide a disciplinary process in which participants experience personal growth and appreciation for the responsibilities of living in a community.


Students who are responsible for violating University policy and/or procedure will be assigned an appropriate sanction based on the nature of the violation, the severity of the violation, the conduct history of the student, and/or other criteria as determined by the conduct officer.

Sanctions are typically based on precedent set by similar cases. However, since no two cases or students are exactly the same, sanctions may vary for seemingly similar incidents.

Conduct officers have been trained to determine appropriate sanctions and do not frivolously assign sanctions. They take their jobs very seriously and seek to find education-based solutions to deter future problem behavior and/or reconcile inappropriate behavior.

For more information about possible sanctions view the Student Handbook.


The University follows due process, which allows for fair and equitable treatment of cases brought against students. An important component of due process is the ability to file an appeal if certain conditions are met. Review the following information and the Student Handbook for a detailed explanation of the appeals process.

Appealing a Decision

If the hearing officer or University Student Conduct Board determines that you are responsible for the charge(s), you may appeal your case within seven business days of the receipt of the hearing officer or board’s written decision. Appeals may only be filed in the event of:

  • New evidence which was not and could not have been presented to the hearing officer
  • A procedural irregularity by the hearing officer that had a substantial impact on or otherwise prejudiced the determination made by the hearing officer. 

First, review the Appeals policy in the Student Handbook. You must then file a written request, based on the criteria outlined in the Student Handbook. For the name of the appropriate appeals hearing officer, consult with the conduct officer who originally heard your case. Upon receipt of your letter, the conduct review officer will make a preliminary decision to accept or reject the case based on the evidence you present in support of one or more of the appeals criteria. You will receive a letter from the conduct review officer with his/her decision on your appeal request. If the request is granted, you will schedule an appointment for an Appeals Review.

For more information about the appeals process, please review the Student Handbook.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Position Statement

Having a mission to advance the quality of human life and the commitment to create a positive and supportive academic community, the University has adopted a public health philosophy regarding alcohol and other drugs. Policies, guidelines, conduct responses, and systems of assistance have been framed to support that philosophy.

91AV seeks to create a campus environment that promotes healthy, responsible living; affirms civility; and is consistent with state and federal law and institutional regulations governing behavior. The University provides clear statements of expectations to members of the community.

The University is also committed to assisting those individuals exhibiting behaviors reflecting misuse or abuse of alcohol and other drugs through the availability of assessment and referral mechanisms. At the same time, it should be understood that being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be accepted as an excuse for violations of the University Conduct Code or policies.

91AV does not permit or condone the illicit or unauthorized possession (including empty alcohol containers), use, manufacturing, consumption, sale, or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol by students or employees on University-owned or controlled property or as part of any University-sponsored activity. Students are personally responsible for conforming their behavior to federal, state, and local laws and the University's Drug and Alcohol Policy.

The University respects students' privacy and autonomy and assumes that they will behave legally and responsibly. In keeping with the University's commitment to public health as relates to alcohol and other drug use/abuse, when violations of law and/or policy come to the attention of University officials, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken and may include notification of a parent or guardian. Such disciplinary action may include any of the sanctions defined under "Sanctions." In addition, these persons may be referred to proper law enforcement authorities for prosecution.

Any faculty, professional staff member, or student employee engaged in activities supported by a federal grant or contract must report any criminal conviction related to possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace to 91AV's Office of Human Resources within five (5) calendar days of conviction. The term "conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) and/or imposition of a sentence by any conduct body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of state or federal criminal drug statutes. The University is obligated to notify the appropriate federal contracting agency within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of an employee conviction.

Read the Student Handbook to learn more about 91AV's Alcohol and Drug Policy and learn about substance abuse counseling services at our Student Counseling Center.