Become an RA

Our Resident Advisors are the glue that hold our community together. These live-in student staff members maintain close contact with residents, plan and implement programs, and enforce university policies. For their integral work in building a safe and happy environment, Resident Advisors receive full room and board for the academic year. As leaders and peer mentors, RAs are motivated, responsible, self reliant, and mature. Interested in learning more about becoming a Resident Advisor? Talk to your RA and contact or visit the Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life.


What is an RA and what do they do?

RAs are live-in student staff members who promote individual growth and a sense of community within the floor(s), the residence hall and the University. Resident Advisors plan and implement programs and enforce policies for the Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life and Student Affairs.

How are the RAs selected?

The RA selection process begins at the end of the Fall Semester and continues throughout the Spring Semester. Candidates are asked to sign up for a traditional interview with a professional staff member and a current RAs as well as an optional duty shadowing where candidates shadow an RA on a duty round. The process also includes a Group Process day, with planned activities focused on assessing a student’s potential to be an RA. The activities are designed for a wide variety of abilities and are in place to be able to access how a student would work within a group, plan a program, and perform the tasks that are asked of an RA.

Is prior experience as an RA or similar position taken into consideration?

Prior experience and background of an individual are always considered in the process. Prior experience as an RA, peer counselor, or other type of leadership or service position is appropriate for a serious RA applicant at 91AV. Please be sure to highlight these types of experiences on your resume and in your interview.

What is the general schedule of an RA’s work week?

An RA is in a position as a leader of a floor community. This means that the RA is the manager of that community and is in a position where she/he must always be ready to respond to situations and conditions within the residence area. While it is difficult to quantify the number of hours spent responding to student interests, issues, and concerns in residence, this could account for approximately 20 hours each week; in some cases, this response time may be less and at other times it could be considerably more. Responding to situations as they arise is a major component of the RA position. Other portions of the RA position are more quantifiable: RAs are expected to be regularly on-call for one or two residence halls from 9:00 pm to 8:00 am (the following morning). Part of this duty schedule requires the RA to be available in their building in order to respond to situations as they arise, including on weekends. Other time commitments include weekly staff meetings, 1 on 1 meetings with the RA’s supervisor, and weekly room hours to be available to residents.

Can an RA take a leave of absence from the position or be an RA for just one semester?

RAs are expected to serve in their role for the entire academic year from the date of hire. The Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life cannot guarantee positions for an RA wishing to take a leave of absence or to study abroad.

Can an RA work in a part-time job?

The RA position should be prioritized as the highest non-academic time commitment and does require a substantial amount of time. RAs interested in holding part-time jobs, on- or off-campus, are required to discuss this with their Area Coordinator and receive permission. Other on-campus commitments, including club involvement and volunteer opportunities, should be discussed with the Area Coordinator.

What if I don’t know how to handle a situation?

Resident Advisors attend both fall and winter training going through thoughtfully designed sessions all designed to prepare students for what they might encounter and connect them with campus services and offices. Also, RAs work with professional staff members that serve in a 24 hour on-call duty rotation and are available to confer and assist in situations.

What if I feel that I am not outgoing or do not feel that I would be able to deal with an incident?

RAs are trained in a wide variety of different situations. In looking at building the ideal staff, many different personalities and abilities are noted. There is no one specific characteristic or skill sought by the selection team. Many different types of students live on campus, so we look to build a diverse group of RAs.

Where can I get an application and when are they due?

Applications are available at Student Leadership Information Sessions happening throughout the end of fall semester and the beginning of spring semester. Please contact your area coordinator for more specifics. If you cannot make any of these sessions, you can also contact your area coordinator to set up a time to talk about the position and pick up an application. Due dates for the current year's applications can be found on the Leadership Selection Timeline. 

What is the maximum number of recommendations I may submit?

Each applicant is required to submit only one, recommendation. Recommendations can be from current or previous employers, members of the faculty, or an academic advisor. Recommendations cannot come from Area Coordinators or Resident Advisors, as they are directly involved in the selection process. Preferably your recommendation will come from someone at 91AV. Remember to ask your recommendations for permission to list them prior to completing your application and to include email addresses for each recommendation so they may be contacted. Additional recommendations will not influence the outcome of the selection process.

Is it possible to receive an extension of the submission deadline date for applications?

No, late application submissions will be accepted. The Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life recognizes situations arise that are out of the control of candidates, but allowing late submission of application materials is unfair to candidates who have submitted these materials on time. Candidates with difficulties gathering a recommendation should contact Housing and Residential/Commuter Life prior to the appropriate deadline.

Is a candidate’s financial assistance affected by accepting an RA position?

There is a chance that the RA Position can affect a candidate’s financial aid. The Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life works closely with Financial Aid on identifying the RAs whom this would affect. If you have questions or concerns how you may be affected please contact Donna Metayer, assistant director of Financial Aid at (207) 602-2129.

What important dates do I need to know?

Please consult the selection timeline below for information on interviews, Group Process Day, and spring training.

What if I have a question about the process or want to know more information?

You can contact your AC or the Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life at (207) 602-2272 or

2024-2025 Resident Advisor Information

Resident Advisor selection is now open.

Job Description

The Resident Advisor (RA) is crucial to the Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life program since this position maintains the closest and most enduring contact with residents. RAs are live-in staff members who promote individual growth and a sense of community within the floor(s), the residence hall, and the University. RAs plan and implement programs and enforce policies for the University. It is expected that any RA is sincerely interested in the welfare of students and of the University.


  • Maturity, self-reliance, self-awareness, motivation, initiative, responsibility, self-esteem, and integrity.
  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Leadership and peer mentor potential.
  • Good conduct and financial standing with the University.
  • Ability to work within and contribute to a team.
  • Good academic standing with the University (maintain a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA; semester GPA doesn’t fall below 2.25 for two consecutive semesters).
  •  Full-time 91AV student status.

Terms of Employment

  • The period of employment is for the entire academic year, beginning with Fall Training and ending with closing the halls following Commencement.
  • The period of employment is contingent upon successful completion of tasks, positive written/oral evaluations, and exhibition of growth in the position.
  • Staff may be required to remain on campus during special weekends; hall openings and closings; and Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks for additional coverage.

Time Commitments

  • The live-in nature of this job is not easily translated into hours worked per day or week. As a representative of the Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life, an RA should spend a healthy amount of time in the residence hall, this can be discussed with the RA’s direct supervisor. This time commitment is especially important on evenings and weekends.
  • RAs are regularly scheduled for duty. Duty is defined as touring one or more buildings, greeting residents, assessing building conditions, intervening with residents around health/safety concerns and policy violations.
  • RAs are required to attend a number of meetings including — but not limited to — area staff meetings; committee meetings; and in-services, and one-on-one meetings with direct supervisors. Absences must be excused by the RA’s direct supervisor or senior housing official.
  • The overriding philosophy of the department is that, when one accepts the RA position, it becomes one’s priority, second only to academics. The following guidelines outline RA expectations with regards to activity outside the RA position.
    • If staff members wish to participate on an intercollegiate athletic team, they are welcome to do so with the following understandings:
      • May play only one sport in an academic year.
      • Are responsible to attend all required staff training.
      • Are responsible to coordinate “duty” around practice and game schedules; if a conflict exists and no replacement can be found, the first priority of the staff member is to the position.
      • May not hold off-campus employment while “in season”.
      • May not hold an office in a club or organization while “in season”.
    • The staff member’s direct supervisor must approve all other outside commitments. Approval is contingent upon the staff member’s performance and will be reviewed regularly. In total, co-curricular (clubs, organizations, athletics, leadership, campus committees, work study, etc.) and off-campus commitments (employment, volunteer/service opportunities, other memberships, etc. ) shoaled not exceed 20 hours.


Each RA is expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. An RA is also expected to assist in developing an environment conducive to students’ academic and personal growth. 

Relationship With Students
  • RA strives to help each resident develop fully as a person, student, and community member.  As peer mentors, role models, resource agents, and community members, RAs will demonstrate concern for the health, safety, and rights of all residential students.  RAs are expected to:
  • Be strong role models for all residents in both academic and personal behavior.
  • Show and express interest in each student assigned to their floor(s).
  • Recognize their counseling skills (and limitations) and consult with the respective supervisor or senior housing officer about all problems that may arise with individuals and/or within the residence hall.
  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality with residents while working with an Area Coordinator or senior housing official.
  • Know how to utilize the services of campus referral agencies, such as the Counseling Center, Career Services, the Health Center, Student Activities and Organizations, Title IX, Financial Aid, Office of Intercultural Student Engagement, and Security Office.
  • Avoid intimate relationships with students who live in the same hall. If such a relationship begins to develop, the RA should talk to their supervisor to determine an appropriate response.
Student Conduct

RAs maintain an atmosphere conducive to studying and enforce all University and departmental policies throughout the residence halls. It is important for RAs to impress upon residents that they are responsible for their own actions. Specifically, RAs are expected to:

  • Know existing University and residence hall policies and the procedures for handling policy violations.
  • Adhere to all University and residence hall policies and regulations.
  • Approach students educationally when dealing with discipline situations.
  • Consistently enforce community standards outlined through training

RAs will be called upon to perform administrative tasks which are important to the operation of their residence halls. Specifically, Resident Advisors are expected to:

  • Complete duty logs, Incident Report forms, Student Interactions, check-in/check-out Room Condition Reports and acknowledgments, and all other administrative tasks thoroughly, accurately, and on time.
  • Post all current notices and communications from the Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life, Student Affairs, or other authorized offices or groups.
  • Identify facilities in need of cleaning or repair and report work orders to Facilities Management.
  • Work with Security to identify and report safety concerns in the halls or around campus.
  • Assist in the Resident Advisor selection and training processes as requested.
  • Check staff mailbox daily.

Resident Advisors play a crucial role in how the residence halls are perceived by students and the public.  As representatives of the University, RAs are expected to communicate any suggestions, ideas, or criticism to an Area Coordinator or senior housing official.

  • Keep the direct supervisor apprised of situations in the hall and appropriate personal concerns.
  • Keep fellow staff members apprised of situations in the hall and appropriate personal concerns when appropriate.
  • Hold regular floor meetings, communicate University policies and procedures, and communicate campus activities/programs to students.
On-Duty Definitions

Because of the variety of interpretations of what it means to be "on-duty,” the following expectations of what "duty" entails have been established:

  • The scheduled on-duty RA is the first person contacted when a staff member is needed unless a specific staff member is required to respond.
  • An on-duty RA is required to be in their hall from 9:00 p.m. the evening of assigned duty to 8:00 a.m. the following day.
  • Additionally, on Saturday and Sunday, RA duty partners will be split between two half-day “soft duty” shifts from 8 a.m.–3 p.m. and 3–9 p.m. as well.
  • There will be RA duty partners on Fridays and Saturdays, completing duty rounds for one or two buildings.
  • The on-duty RA(s) must conduct at least one round per hour of the building(s) on Sunday through Thursday from 9 p.m.–12 a.m. (midnight) and Friday through Saturday from 9 p.m.–1 a.m.
  • If an RA cannot fulfill their duty requirements, they must make arrangements for coverage by another staff member, obtain approval from their direct supervisor who will update the duty calendar, and note the change on their door. 
On-Duty Responsibilities

An RA is technically on duty any time they are in the hall. If needed for an emergency or any reason, the RA is expected to respond. Scheduled duty nights will consist of the following responsibilities:

  • Assist residents as required.
  • Respond to emergencies.
  • Brief other Resident Advisors about events/incidents occurring on their floors or in the halls.
  • Notify appropriate persons in an emergency, as described by the Emergency Procedures.
  • Make rounds throughout the residence hall(s).
  • Assume other responsibilities as assigned by an Area Coordinator of senior housing official.

To help create an environment conducive to academic and personal growth, each RA will fulfill the following programming requirements in alignment with the department’s Community Development Model:

  • Work with your hall staff and supervisor to develop a programming plan to meet the unique needs of your residence hall community.
  • Coordinate, facilitate, and/or present programs to implement the programming plan, including those programs specific to the floors needs.
  • Encourage students to participate in and contribute to hall and floor programs.
  • Regularly plan floor activities to build a strong floor community and provide social opportunities. Floor activities are small-scale events that do not take as much advance planning as programs.
  • Keep floor bulletin board(s) current and attractive, and do one bulletin board per month, (to be coordinated by the Area Coordinator).
  • Complete programming tracking paperwork as required by your supervisor.
Professional Ethics and Confidentiality
  • The RA is an example to the students and is expected to adhere to all rules and regulations. Practically and ethically, the RA must reinforce what they teach as role models to the students.
  • The RA’s own behavior and handling of situations can enhance or destroy rapport and respect among students.
  • The RA should never discuss a student's problem with other students or with a staff member where he/she may be overheard by another student, including the dining hall.
  • Concerns or complaints regarding operations and procedures should be discussed with the RAs direct supervisor and not directed to residents or other staff members.
  • The RA should never give a blanket promise of confidentiality, certain legal or ethical information must be shared with appropriate staff members. Confidentiality is handled with the highest possible commitment. An RA should always refer students to the appropriate campus resource.
Sub-Master Keys

A set of sub-master keys is assigned to each building. It is extremely important that the keys not be misused; the master key represents trust, security, and privacy to each resident in your building. The rules below must be followed by RAs at all times:

  • Do not carry the building sub-master on your regular key ring. The sub-master should remain in the lockbox located in a closet of each building. This key is not to leave the residence hall.
  • The sub-master key should never leave the RA’s possession while in use. The RA should be aware of the key’s location at all times and be able to present it to a Housing staff member if requested. The master key must be returned to the lockbox immediately following its use.
  • Never enter a room without a student's knowledge.  Room entry is only conducted or approved by an Area Coordinator of senior housing official or law enforcement official for emergency situations or with justifiable cause.
  • Abuse, misuse, or loss of the sub-master or master key is grounds for termination.

Terms of the Resident Advisor job description are subject to change at the discretion of the director of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life. Changes will be communicated in writing to all staff.  

Selection Timeline

Information Sessions

All RA candidates are required to attend one of the Information Sessions. If you are unable to attend an information session please contact the Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life at (207) 602-2272 or email us at

Date Location Time
November 15, 2023 Ripich Commons, first floor 12 p.m.
December 5, 2023 Ripich Commons, first floor 7 p.m.
January 9, 2024 Online (Zoom) 6 p.m.
January 24, 2024 Ripich Commons, first floor 12 p.m.
February 4, 2024 Campus Center, MPRS 5 p.m.

Selection Timeline

Event Location Date and Time Time
Applications Available Presence November 15, 2023 12 a.m.
Applications Due Presence February 7, 2024 5 p.m.
Candidate Interviews Campus Center MPRs February 22 and 23, 2024 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Duty Shadowing (Optional) Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life, East Hall February 7–22, 2024 9 p.m.
Leadership Candidate Reception

Forum 230/231

February 18, 2024 1–4&Բ;..
Selection Notification Via email March 6, 2024 12 p.m.
Acceptance Deadline Office of Housing and Residential/Commuter Life March 20, 2024 5 p.m.
Spring Kickoff TDB April 28, 2024 6 p.m.