Headshot of U N E student Olivia Nastasi

I knew I wanted to become a personal trainer or something in that realm, and 91AV’s Applied Exercise Science [AES] program was a perfect fit. While looking into the program, [the curriculum] lists all of the classes you’ll need to take over the course of four years, which was super helpful. Once I graduate, I know that I’ll be prepared to get a job in this field.

Applied Exercise Science, Coaching
Jaymeson Maheux sits with a backpack on smiling at the camera with the Saco River behind

What I really like is that I'm able to take the concepts that I learn and apply them to myself as an athlete.

Applied Exercise Science
Justin St. Peter

Because of the AES program at 91AV I am able to analyze the seemingly unlimited capacity of the human body from a scientific perspective.

Applied Exercise Science
Testimonial Place Holder
My classes related a great amount to my degree, and I will be able to apply the skills I learn from my undergraduate degree to physical therapy.
Applied Exercise Science
Testimonial Place Holder
I loved my major's department because of the focus on the science of exercise and sport performance. I find it fascinating to learn about how the body works in relation to physical activity.
Applied Exercise Science
Testimonial Place Holder
The Applied Exercise Science program is a great major because it provides a lot of opportunities for internships and hands-on experiences while still giving its students a strong foundation of scientific theory...
Applied Exercise Science