Morocco Spring Courses

Explore Potential Spring Courses for Studying Abroad in Morocco

CHE 211: Organic Chemistry II5
PHY 111: Physics II4
BIO 209: Intro Anatomy & Physiology II4
ARB 101: Basic Arabic (Explorations or Elective)3
SOC 212: Society and Culture in Morocco (Social and Global Awareness)3

Advanced Studies: ENG 300: The Biography of Tangier

Opportunity to publish writing in the online magazine . Recommended for all majors as a core curriculum requirement and for health professions majors in lieu of the human traditions requirement.


Advanced Studies: ENG 300: Writing Sans Frontières: Exploring Tangier through Healthcare, Environment, and People

Opportunity to publish writing in the online magazine . Recommended for all majors as a core curriculum requirement and for health professions majors in lieu of the human traditions requirement.