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Maggie Stanton, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Animal Behavior


Decary 352
Biddeford Campus

Maggie Stanton is an Assistant Professor of Animal Behavior at the 91AV. Dr. Stanton's research program takes a broad comparative approach to answer questions surrounding the adaptive value of social behavior.  Using long-term behavioral datasets that span decades, Dr. Stanton's research emphasizes the influence of early social experiences on future outcomes in wild populations of long-lived mammals, such as chimpanzees and bottlenose dolphins.  



Georgetown University
B.S. Biology
University of Maryland, College Park
B.S. Psychology
University of Maryland, College Park

Post-Doctoral Training

Primate Behavioral Ecology Laboratory, The George Washington University


Selected publications


Lonsdorf E.V., Stanton M.A., Wellens K.R., Murray C.M. 2021. Wild chimpanzee offspring exhibit adult-like foraging patterns around the age of weaning. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 1-14.

Subiaul F., Stanton M.A. 2020. Intuitive invention by summative imitation (and emulation) in children and adults. Cognition. 202, 104310.​

Stanton M.A., Lonsdorf E.V., Murray C.M., Pusey A.E. 2020.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 74, 22.

Lonsdorf E.V., Stanton M.A., Pusey A.E., Murray C.M. 2019. Sources of variation in weaned age among wild chimpanzees in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 171(3), 419-429.

Lee S.M., Murray C.M., Lonsdorf E.V., Fruth B., Stanton M.A., Nichols J., Hohmann G. 2019.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23935.

Lonsdorf E.V., Stanton M.A., Murray C.M. 2018. . Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72, 117.

Murray C.M., Stanton M.A., Wellens K.R., Santymire R.M., Heintz M.R., Lonsdorf E.V. 2018. . American Journal of Primatology. 80, e22525.
Lonsdorf E.V., Travis D.A., Gillespie T.G., Wolf T., Murray C.M., Wilson M.L., Kamenya S., Mjungu D., Bakuza J., Raphael J., Lipende I., Collins D.A., Gilby I.C., Stanton M.A., Terio K.A., Hahn B.H., Pusey A.E., Goodall J. 2018. Social and demographic patterns of observable clinical signs of ill health in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Gombe National Park, Tanzania. American Journal of Primatology. 80, e22562.
McGrath K., El-Zaatari S., Guatelli-Steinberg D., Stanton M.A., Reid D.J., Stoinski T.S., Cranfield M.R., Mudakikwa A., McFarlin S.C. 2018. Quantifying linear enamel hypoplasia in Virunga mountain gorillas and other great apes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 166, 337-352.

Stanton M.A., Lonsdorf E.V., Pusey A.E., Murray C.M. 2017. . Journal of Human Evolution. 111, 152-16.

Miller J.A., Stanton M.A., Lonsdorf E.V., Wellens K.R., Markham A.C., Murray C.M. 2017. Limited evidence for third-party affiliation during development in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.170500.

Krzyszczyk E., Patterson E.M., Stanton M.A., Mann J. 2017. The transition to independence: Sex differences in the social and behavioral development of wild bottlenose dolphins. Animal Behaviour. 129, 43-59.

Murray C.M., Stanton M.A., Lonsdorf E.V., Wroblewski E.E., Pusey A.E. 2016. Chimpanzee fathers bias their behavior towards their offspring. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160441.

O’Malley, R., Stanton M.A., Gilby I., Lonsdorf E.V., Pusey A.E., Markham A.C., Murray C.M. 2016. Patterns of faunivory across reproductive states and rank in wild female chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution. 90, 16-28.

Stanton M.A., Heintz M.R., Lonsdorf E.V., Santymire R.M., Lipende I., Murray C.M. 2015. . International Journal of Primatology. 36, 473-488.

Karniski C., Patterson E.M., Krzyszczyk E., Foroughirad V., Stanton M.A., Mann J. 2014. A comparison of survey and focal follow methods for estimating individual activity budgets of cetaceans. Marine Mammal Science. 31, 839-852.

Stanton M.A., Lonsdorf E.V., Pusey A.E., Goodall, J., Murray C.M. 2014. . Current Anthropology, 55, 483-489.

Murray, C. M., Lonsdorf, E. V., Stanton, M.A., Wellens, K. R., Miller, J. A., Goodall, J., & Pusey, A. E. 2014. Early social exposure in wild chimpanzees: Mothers with sons are more gregarious than mothers with daughters.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(51), 18189-18194.

Lonsdorf E.V., Anderson K.A., Stanton M.A., Shender M.A., Heintz M.R., Goodall J., Murray C.M. 2014. Boys will be boys: Sex differences in wild infant chimpanzee social interactions. Animal Behavior, 88, 79-83.

Stanton M.A., Mann J. 2012. . PLoS ONE, 7, e47508. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0047508.

Mann J., Stanton M.A., Patterson E.M., Bienenstock E.J., Singh L.O. 2012.  Nature Communications, 3, 980.

Hirsch B.T., Stanton M.A., Maldonado J.E. 2012. Kinship shapes affiliative social networks but not aggression in ring-tailed coatis. PLoS ONE, 7, e37301.

Stanton M.A., Gibson Q.A., Mann J. 2011. . Animal Behaviour, 83, 405-412.


Mann J., Stanton M.A., Murray, C.M. 2020. Dolphins and Chimpanzees: A case for convergence? In Chimpanzees in Context, ed. Hopper L. & Ross S. University of Chicago Press.

Stanton M.A. & Mann J. 2014. Social network analysis: Applications to primate and cetacean societies. In Primates and cetaceans: Field research and conservation of complex mammalian societies, ed. Yamagiwa J. & Karczmarski L. Springer.

Stanton M.A. & Mann J. 2014. Shark Bay bottlenose dolphins: A case study for defining and measuring sociality. In Primates and cetaceans: Field research and conservation of complex mammalian societies, ed. Yamagiwa J. & Karczmarski L. Springer.


Research interests

I am broadly interested in the adaptive value of social behavior, with an emphasis on the influence of early social experiences on individual outcomes in wild populations. I take a broad comparative approach and through collaborations with the Gombe Chimpanzee Project and the Shark Bay Dolphin Project I primarily conduct research in two long-lived mammalian species: chimpanzees and bottlenose dolphins. With long-term datasets that now span multiple generations organized into online relational databases, we can make use of data mining and statistical techniques to investigate behavior across the long lifespan of individuals and relate early experience to adult outcomes in both systems.