Waeil Elmisalati and College of Dental Medicine students published in the ‘Journal of Dental Education’

Waeil Elmisalati and students from the College of Dental Medicine
Waeil Elmisalati and students from the College of Dental Medicine

Waeil Elmisalati, B.D.S., M.M.Sc., C.A.G.E., associate clinical professor in the College of Dental Medicine, along with fourth-year dental students Vidushi Gupta and Cha Vu, third-year dental students Colleen Ahern and Priya Katwala, and second-year dental students Aparna Bhat, Nader Burpee, and Alivia Shasteen, have been published in the Journal of Dental Education. This publication is ranked as the most prestigious journal pertaining to dental education. 

Their paper, titled “Integration of Basic and Clinical Sciences in Health Professions Education” is part of the Journal of Dental Education's series “Peer Education: Reviews of the Literature.” The manuscript details different aspects of the vertical integration technique of incorporating didactic knowledge into a clinical setting within dental education. Elmisalati and the dental students worked together to analyze and summarize current literature relating to the topic and combined their summaries to form a comprehensive literature review.



To learn more about the College of Dental Medicine, visit www.une.edu/dentalmedicine 

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