‘Portland Press Herald’ quotes Brian Duff on Maine candidates’ silence on presidential preference

Brian Duff
Brian Duff

Brian Duff, Ph.D., chair and associate professor in the Department of Political Science, was quoted by the Portland Press Herald in an August 22 article on down-ticket candidates in Maine.

According to the article, because of the unpopularity of both presidential nominees, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, candidates for the Maine Legislature realize that riding on coattails will not help them reach office in November. In fact, candidates from both parties are purposely remaining silent on the issue of whom they support for president.

With long-time Maine Senator Susan Collins recently announcing in the Washington Post that she will not vote for fellow Republican Donald Trump, eyes have turned to U.S. Representative Bruce Poliquin a 2nd District Republican, who has evaded questions about whether or not he will support the Republican presidential candidate.

Duff expressed his opinion that it is unlikely that Poliquin will endorse Trump. “Certainly challenging Susan Collins and getting into a fight with Susan Collins to be a supporter of Donald Trump is not a wise move and I would not expect him to do it,” said Duff. “Even the governor doesn’t want to get into a back-and-forth with Susan Collins over this particular issue.”

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