Pharmacy professor Srinidi Mohan receives two grants for breast cancer detection marker

Sri Mohan
Srinidi Mohan

Srinidi Mohan, Ph.D., assistant professor in the College of Pharmacy, has received a TechStart Grant and Seed Grant from the Maine Technology Institute for his innovative breast cancer detection and disease monitoring method.

Mohan has discovered a marker in the blood that is a sensitive and reliable indicator of estrogen receptor-negative (ER) tumors. ER tumors are more aggressive and harder to treat than ER-positive tumors. This type of breast cancer, which has a higher incidence in African-Americans and younger individuals, has nearly twice the risk of mortality as compared to ER+ breast cancer.

Over a long term period, Mohan and his colleagues will test this marker as an indicator for other basal-like solid tumor subtypes. Eventually, it could also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatments on patients, and as a test for new therapies in a laboratory setting.

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