David Livingstone Smith quoted in ‘Wall Street Journal’ article

David Livingstone Smith
David Livingstone Smith

David Livingstone Smith, Ph.D., was quoted in an April 4, 2016 Wall Street Journal article titled “Chalk and Awe: The new Free Speech Movement,” which addresses the controversy that arose when students at Emory University in Atlanta demanded that school administrators decry support for presidential candidate Donald Trump after pro-Trump messages were found scrawled on campus sidewalks.

The author argues that acts of “political correctness” that infringe on the right of free speech only serve to incite Trump supporters, many of whom admire the candidate for his refusal to use “politically correct” language.

He quotes from a piece that was published by Qz.com that quoted Smith’s statement that Trump is “tapping into passions that have been lying latent in certain portions of the American psyche.”