David Livingstone Smith published in 'New York Daily News' on Trump as a ‘salvation peddler’

David Livingstone Smith
David Livingstone Smith

David Livingstone Smith, Ph.D., professor of philosophy, wrote an article that was published by the New York Daily News on February 24, 2016. Titled “How Trump sells salvation: His lie-laden pitch is reminiscent of some of history’s most horrifying leaders,” the article examines the strategic use of falsehoods and rhetorical techniques by Donald Trump in his presidential campaign.

According to Smith, Trump has a clear understanding of politicians as “salvation peddlers,” who tap into voters’ feelings of helplessness, exacerbate those feelings and then promise relief from their dire situation.

The ability to hook voters into a cycle of depression and paranoia followed by euphoria at the promise of a grandiose solution, argued Smith, explains the addiction of Trump’s followers to him, stating, “It’s the political equivalent of crack cocaine.”