Brian Duff interviewed by 'Press Herald' on Donald Trump’s campaign efforts in Maine

Brian Duff
Brian Duff

Brian Duff, Ph.D., associate professor and chair in the Department of Political Science, was quoted in an August 1 article in the Portland Press Herald, titled “Pundits puzzle over Trump visit to Portland.”

The article discusses presidential candidate Donald Trump’s second campaign visit to Portland, Maine, noting the unusualness of a Republican candidate campaigning so diligently in a typically Democratic district.

Duff was among those interviewed about Trump’s decision to revisit Portland. He refuted the view that Maine will play a significant role in the national election. “I don’t think Maine is in play,” Duff stated, adding that in his view, Trump’s visits to Maine are likely the result of the simple fact that Trump likes Maine’s Republican governor Paul LePage. “I do think it’s that simple,” Duff said. “He likes LePage and he figures if he can win here, why not Trump?”

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