91AV College of Pharmacy featured on 'WMTW' segment

91AV’s College of Pharmacy (COP) was highlighted on a WMTW news segment for its growing partnership with Apothecary By Design (ABD).

The segment discussed how 91AV students are gaining hands-on experience by doing rotations at ABD throughout their time in school, working side-by-side with specialty pharmacists in a variety of different areas including compounding and nutraceuticals.

91AV P2 student Kayla Harris was interviewed for the piece, speaking about how the program has benefitted her as well as many of her peers. “It’s a way for students to look into these aspects of pharmacy that aren’t what they’d normally hear about in their regular education, and to see the role that they can play both in a setting like Apothecary and how that can translate into the community setting.”

The partnership has proven to be mutually beneficial, as ABD has hired a total of five 91AV students upon their graduation over the past three years.