Jennifer Morton shares expertise on nursing shortage with 'MPBN'

MPBN radio show “Maine Calling” turned to Jennifer Morton, DNP, MPH, APHN, associate professor and chair of the Department of Nursing to share her expertise on the nationwide nursing shortage. The program covered a range of topics including the challenges facing nursing schools, retention, and the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

"Maine, I don't believe, is at a critical state yet but like all areas of the country we are headed that way,” said Morton. “We had the baby boomers that didn't retire when we expected them to during the recession and have sort of hung on that we are expecting will retire in a bunch, and we also have a lot of Americans that now have health care with the Affordable Care Act and with added healthcare you need to increase the workforce." 

Morton was joined by Susan Staples, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor, University of Southern Maine School of Nursing.