Barry Costa-Pierce interviewed on WCSH for 'Maine in the Arctic' series

On November 18, 2015, Barry Costa-Pierce, Ph.D., Henry L. & Grace Doherty Professor and chair of the Department of Marine Sciences and director of the Marine Science Center, was featured in a WCSH news report on "Maine in the Arctic." The report was the third in a series of reports focusing on this topic.

The news segment discussed the delegation from Maine who attended the Arctic Circle Assembly, the preeminent international forum for Arctic cooperation and sustainable development, which was held in Reykjavik, Iceland, last month. Maine’s was one of the largest delegations present at the assembly.

Costa-Pierce, among a group from 91AV who were part of the state’s delegation, was interviewed in Reykjavik about the consequences of warming temperatures in the Arctic Ocean, an issue that was paid a great deal of attention at the assembly. He expressed that there are pros and cons of the warming waters. “Yes, there’s danger, but there’s also tremendous new opportunities along this corridor for the seafood economy particularly,” he stated.