91AV V.P. for Fiscal Affairs Nicole Trufant shares her expertise

Nicole Trufant, 91AV vice president for Fiscal Affairs, has been sharing her expertise with others in her field and bringing positive recognition to 91AV in the process.  

Trufant recently appeared on , a popular industry podcast, to discuss her vision for communicating financial information effectively.

In presenting financial information, Trufant explained, the business officer must play the roles of educator, partner and leader. Trufant elaborated, “The role of the business officer is changing significantly in higher education from where it was ten years ago, to becoming more of a strategic partner so they can see that we’re more than just technocrats doing this work, and that we really are looking to the future and making sure the organization’s administrative side is positioned well to assist the faculty in adjusting to the changing climate in higher ed.”

The podcast also highlighted the “very positive story” that 91AV has to tell from a financial standpoint. To listen to the podcast, .     

On October 20 in Orlando, Florida, Trufant will join Howard Teibel, of educational consulting company Teibel, Inc., to present “Communicating Strategically to Make an Impact,” at the Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers (EACUBO)Annual Meeting.