Steev Sutton quoted in Island Institute article on microplastics in Maine waters

Steev Sutton, Ph.D., chair and associate professor in the College of Pharmacy, was quoted in the October 22, 2014 issue of The Working Waterfront, a publication of the Island Institute. The article is titled "Microplastics in Maine waters—2014; are they in our food?"

Sutton commented on the existence of tiny pieces of plastic, resulting from the washing of certain synthetic materials, such as fleece, or the use of personal care products containing microbeads, that have made their way into oceans, including the Gulf of Maine waters. Sutton, one of many scientists studying the ill effects of microplastics on the marine environment and food sources, noted that these tiny bits of plastic are "extremely difficult to quantify."

Sometimes smaller than half the width of a hair strand, microplastics, according to the article, are, indeed, difficult to find, and, therefore, much more research must be conducted to fully understand their impact.