KyForward publishes article on new ebook with foreward by Beth De Wolfe

On May 28, 2014, the KyForward published an article about the Lexington (Kentucky) Public Library’s creation of an ebook version of the 19th century book, The Real Madeleine Pollard, a tale of a political scandal involving Kentucky Congressman W.P.C. Breckinridge and his mistress.  Elizabeth De Wolfe, Ph.D., professor of history, who has researched the life of the book’s author, Jane Armstrong Tucker, wrote a new forward for the new edition, explaining the context and the historical significance of the book.

De Wolfe wrote: “While it cannot be read as a literal biography of Pollard, the tale does shed light on the behind-the-scenes maneuvers of Breckinridge’s legal team, offers a broad outline of the path from schoolgirl to mistress to spurned lover, and reveals the opportunities and challenges for young women like Pollard and Tucker who wanted something more.”