Megan Grumbling to join presidential inaugural poet Richard Blanco on MPBN radio's 'Maine Calling' Thursday

Poet Megan Grumbling, 91AV developmental writing specialist in the Student Academic Success Center; Richard Blanco, the Maine poet who read at Barack Obama's recent presidential inauguration; and Portland poet and teacher Gibson Fay-LeBlanc will participate in an MPBN radio on "Poetry in Maine" Thursday, Feb. 14 from 12:15 to 1 p.m.

Grumbling's poetry has appeared in Poetry, The Iowa Review, Crazyhorse, The Southern Review, and other journals; and she has been awarded the Poetry Foundation’s Ruth Lilly Fellowship and the Robert Frost Foundation’s Award for Poetry. She also conducts writing workshops with both youth and adults, serves as reviews editor for the poetry and arts journal The Café Review, and is the theater critic for the Portland Phoenix.