Globe and Patriot Ledger cover release of sea turtles rehabilitated at 91AV

The Boston Globe and Patriot Ledger on April 7th ran stories on 28 sea turtles - including five from 91AV's Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center - that were taken in a caravan from Maine to Florida, with pickup stops along the way in Boston and Baltimore.

The five turtles are the last of 14 loggerheads that spent up to four months recovering from severe hypothermia at 91AV.  Of the 14 that were brought to MARC, 13 survived.

The Globe interviewed Kristen Patchett, 91AV MARC marine animal rehabilitation coordinator, who discussed the five loggerheads rehabilitated at 91AV.

When one washes up, researchers have the opportunity to study a noncaptive sea turtle unusually closely, Patchett said.

“The strandings are pretty much the only way that students . . . can get experience working with them,” she said.

The Patriot Ledger also reported on the release of the turtles on Sunday, April 7th at Little Talbot Island in a state park in Jacksonville, Fla.

Read the and stories. Watch two videos from earlier and stories. A number of other local and regional media outlets also ran stories on the turtles.