WMTW8 covers Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center's seal release

WMTW8 TV news featured live stories on the Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center and its release of two seals on April 1, 2012. also covered the event on April 4th.

The WMTW8 news crew spent the entire early morning with MARC staff as they prepared for the release, broadcasting live segments of the preparations and interviews with the staff. The WMTW8 crew also provided coverage of the seal release itself, which took place at 10 a.m. on the beach at Gilbert Place, Mile Stretch, Biddeford.

The two grey seals, rehabilitated by MARC, were named "Capelli d’angelo" and "Rigatoni." Capelli was fitted with a satellite tag to track her movements post-release.

Some 300-400 people came to the release, generously donating more than $1,200 to benefit future seals at MARC.