Sunday Telegram reviews Stephen Burt's and Andy Rosen's art works at the L.C. Bates Museum

Art work by Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Arts and Communications Stephen Burt and adjunct faculty member Andy Rosen were noted in a of an exhibition at the L.C. Bates Museum in Hinckley, Maine.

The reviewer, Daniel Kany writes: "While Stephen Burt's 'Terrible Beauties' is a Conte crayon drawing, it's rendered in an engraving style that we associate with the ancient knowledge contained in old prints, maps and diagrams, when the unknown was delineated by the phrase 'here be dragons.' In his densely intense style, Burt presents a nightmarish pair of fantastical giants - a sea serpent and a giant alligator - battling in a Pacific landscape inspired by Japanese woodblock prints."

Kany explains that "Andy Rosen's 'The Gardener' is set as a bit of a surprise to any unsuspecting visitor. In a room filled with taxidermy treasures, he presents a life-size wolf with a garden hose unnaturally wrapped around its middle. In a melodramatic pose and placed as it is, the details such as the hinged leg are key for recognizing the ironic wit that drives it. In this quirky circus, Rosen's sculpture could easily be overlooked - and that's amazing."

The exhibition, titled "Humanity in Nature," runs through Oct 15, 2012.