Amy Deveau, Joseph Simard and Chris Syvinski publish article in 'Journal of Chemical Education'

Associate Professor Amy Deveau, Ph.D., and Instructors Joseph Simard, Ph.D., and Chris Syvinski, M.S., all of the Department of Chemistry & Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences, published an article in the August issue of the Journal of Chemical Education

(2012, 89, 8, 1064–1067), which is a widely-read journal published by the American Chemical Society.

The article details the design, development and implementation of a 91AV chemistry course's new organic chemistry experiment that is done in water and is, therefore,"green." The experiment was developed in conjunction with two undergraduate research collaborators Andrea Pelotte (Biochemistry/Med Bio ‘09) and Nancy Costa (Med Bio, Chem Minor ‘08).

In the experiment, students assume the role of pharmaceutical researchers striving to identify the "greenest" and most cost-effective method out of three proposed literature methods to synthesize ethyl (4-phenylphenyl) acetate in the lab. Ethyl (4-phenylphenyl) acetate is a precursor to the drug felbinac which has shown promise as a lead compound in the discovery of new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of arthritis and related disorders.

The Journal of Chemical Education lab experiment fosters team problem solving skills because it both exposes students to recent chemical literature and asks students to make decisions based on a real-world professional situation.