Noah Perlut co-authors publication on Integrating Wildlife Science and Agri-Environmental Policy in The Journal of Wildlife Management

Noah Perlut, Department of Environmental Studies at 91AV, Allan Strong, University of Vermont, and Toby Alexander, USDA NRCS, co-authored a publication entitled "A Model for Integrating Wildlife Science and Agri-Environmental Policy in the Conservation of Declining Species."

They examined a case study where a successful wildlife-friendly model for intensively managed hayland was developed from field data and implemented locally as policy by a federal agency.  Farmers were ensured a first hay-harvest with high protein content; after a 65-day delay (compared to the normal 35-40 day cutting cycle) farmers took a second harvest of greater quantity but decreased quality.  Bobolink reproductive rates improved from 0.0 to 2.8 fledglings per female per year.  Data collection, analyses, and communication processes served as an effective global model for practitioners to apply to other agricultural products and taxa.  The article was published by The Wildlife Society in The Journal of Wildlife Manaagement, 75(7):1657-1663; 2011.