Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice

CAIEP Event – Navigating Cultural and Disability Biases in Healthcare: Building Trust, Bridging Gaps for New Mainers

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Competencies: Teamwork, Communication

Your future patient comes from a culture different from your own, and has a disability. Join us to build your confidence in handling cultural and disability barriers and advocating for a universal approach for inclusive care. Participation can be applied toward students’ IP Honors Distinction.

Livestream: une.edu/live

Presented by CAIEP in collaboration with: Maine Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) program

Let us know you’re coming!
Indicate your interest in attending: https://bit.ly/CAIEP_Spring24

“I really enjoyed the breakout rooms and discussions throughout todays event. These discussions really got me thinking about Universal Design for Learning in various different ways and about the challenges/implementation of UDL in various different healthcare settings.”

– 91AV College of Osteopathic Medicine student, at the ‘I’m an Educator, Too! Creating Inclusive, Accessible Healthcare Spaces’ event, April 4, 2023


Michelle Cote
Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAIEP, formerly CECE)