Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice

CAIEP Knowledge Exchange: Promoting Relationships and Resiliency in Patient/Client Care

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Competency: Teamwork, Communication

Do you feel ready and resilient enough to partner with patients/clients while delivering interprofessional team-based care? Join experts and student presenters who have “been there” and develop a self-reflective tool kit to build the relationships that will keep you self-aware and patient centered.

Participation can be applied toward students’ IP Honors Distinction.

ZOOM: https://une.zoom.us/s/92224529057
Facebook Live: facebook.com/91AVCollaborative (Interactive opportunity)
Livestream: une.edu/live (Viewing only)

Presented by Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAIEP, formerly CECE) in collaboration with:  91AV College of Osteopathic Medicine and Southern Maine Health Care.

Let us know you’re coming!
Indicate your interest in attending: https://bit.ly/Events_Fall23

Conversation Cafe: Interested in continuing the conversation? Join us for delicious refreshments and in-depth conversation with event presenters at the table as we further explore effects of burnout among healthcare workers and ways to promote resiliency  – Wednesday, Nov. 8 • 12-1:30 p.m., Ripich Commons 320, Biddeford Campus

“It was moving to hear the speaker who shared her story about surviving trafficking. It was eye opening and enlightening to hear some of the signs. It made me realize that trafficking isn’t limited to a select demographic; and I’ll be mindful of this moving forward in my personal and professional life. Hearing from the perspectives of a survivor as well as a physician co-panelist was deeply impactful.”
– 91AV College of Osteopathic Medicine student, at the ‘Human Trafficking is a Public Health Issue’ interprofessional event, October 19, 2022


Michelle Cote
Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAIEP, formerly CECE)