Native Science: The Indigenous Mind Rising
In the advent of global climate change, Indigenous communities worldwide have become increasingly concerned about issues of sustainability related to their lands, waters, natural resources, and cultural ways of life. In many parts of the world, Indigenous populations are directly and negatively affected by the environmental, social, economic and political consequences of a dramatically changing climate. For Indigenous communities, climate change highlights the need for the development of “sustainability informed” science education that allows for a way of learning science that incorporates an understanding of how to sustain Indigenous cultures and communities. An Indigenous Sustainability Informed approach to STEM education can form an important foundation for the inter-disciplinary and social/cultural relevant science education needed by Indigenous communities as they attempt to address the challenges and impacts of climate change in their communities. This presentation provides a prospectus for curriculum research that would begin a process for the design and implementation of “sustainability informed” STEM-related education for Indigenous community-based education.
Portland Forum in Innovation Hall
716 Stevens Avenue
Portland, ME 04103
United States