"Interactions between biotin and avidin in zebrafish Danio rerio nutrition"
Dr. Rodrigue Yossa has completed a Ph.D. in animal sciences (aquaculture) and a Certificate in biotechnology at UniversitéLaval, Canada, a M.Sc. in aquaculture at Ghent University, Belgium, and a B.Sc. in forestry, wildlife and water engineering at the University of Dschang, Cameroon. Before his graduate studies, Dr. Yossa worked at the World Fish Center Cameroon, office for West and Central Africa, as aquaculture and fisheries research consultant. Dr. Yossa is familiar with aquaculture research and development in Africa, Europe, Asia and America. Dr. Yossa is the co-editor of the Journal of Applied Aquaculture.
Dr. Yossa is a candidate for the Assistant Research Scientist in Ecological Aquaculture position.
If you are interested in meeting with Dr. Yossa, please contact Barry Costa-Pierce bcostapierce@une.edu
Marine Science Center Room 221
United States