


John Stubbs


Degree name
Bachelor of Science with a major in Chemistry


Chemistry and physics are fundamental sciences that touch every aspect of our lives and the world around us. Chemistry is the study of matter: its chemical and physical properties, the chemical and physical changes it undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany those processes. Chemistry often is referred to as the central science; it rests upon the foundation of mathematics and physics and in turn is the essential basis for the life sciences such as biology and medicine. Chemistry is largely an experimental science, and has applications in such diverse areas of research as the development of new drugs, the search for solutions to problems of environmental pollution, and the derivation of alternative energy sources. Much cutting-edge research in biology and medicine is being carried out at the level of atoms and molecules, the particles of matter upon which the study of chemistry is based.

Physics, too, is the study of matter and energy, viewed from a different perspective. To understand living systems and the universe in which we live requires an understanding of the chemical and physical principles that operate within them.

In addition to offering majors in chemistry, chemistry/secondary education, biochemistry and laboratory science, and minors in chemistry and biophysics, the department fills a significant role for students in other programs through its introductory courses in chemistry and physics. Because of the fundamental roles of chemistry and physics in the biological, environmental, and health sciences, students in these programs benefit from the conceptual, quantitative, problem-solving, and communication skills stressed in the introductory courses, which form the foundation for later courses in the students' majors.

Major Description

The bachelor of science degree in chemistry stresses the important fundamental aspects of the discipline, including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Classroom work in each of these essential areas is complemented with laboratory exercises designed to illustrate important chemical principles and provide students with hands-on experience in the important classical and instrumental techniques of chemistry. While the chemistry core courses provide both depth and breadth in the basic areas of chemistry, students also have the opportunity to study selected areas of modern chemistry more intensively in advanced elective courses and in undergraduate research. The department's courses stress the integration of theory and experiment, the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills, and the cultivation of oral and written communication skills. The department's faculty members are highly committed to undergraduate education in general and undergraduate research in particular. One of the strengths of the department's programs is the opportunity it provides for students to become involved in undergraduate research in collaboration with a faculty mentor.

The curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training. Students will be well prepared for entry into a variety of laboratory positions or for entry into graduate programs in many areas of science. Chemistry graduates typically are very well prepared for entry into professional programs such as medical, dental, or veterinary schools. The department is well equipped with modern laboratory instrumentation, available to students in laboratory courses and research projects.

Curricular Requirements


CAS Core Requirements

Program Required Courses  
CHE 110 - General Chemistry I 4
CHE 111 - General Chemistry II 4
CHE 210 or 210G - Organic Chemistry I 5
CHE 211 or 211G  - Organic Chemistry II 5
CHE 280/280L - Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry 3
CHE 307 - Quantitative Analysis 5
CHE 350 - Biochemistry I: Proteins 5
CHE 370 - Physical Chemistry I 4
CHE 371 - Physical Chemistry II 3
CHE 375 - Advanced Laboratory 2
CHE 401 - Seminar 1
CHE 407 - Instrumental Methods of Analysis 5
MAT 190 - Calculus I (included in core requirements) 4
MAT 195 - Calculus II 4
MAT 200 - Calculus III 4
PHY 210 - University Physics I 4
PHY 211 - University Physics II 4

Additional program courses (program electives) 

Minimum one course (3 cr) from the following:


CHE 320 - Mechanistic Organic Chemistry 3
CHE 380 - Inorganic Chemistry 3
CHE 405 - Medicinal Chemistry 3
CHE 410 - Research I 1 - 4
CHE 420 - Spectroscopic Methods of Structural Analysis


CHE 450 - Advanced Biochemistry Lab 3
 Minimum Program Credits 65
Open elective credits (as needed to reach 120 credits) variable
Minimum Required Total Credits  120


Students wishing to pursue teacher certification in Physical Science can complete a double major with Chemistry and Secondary Education OR a major in Secondary Education and a concentration in Chemistry.  For more Information, see the Secondary Education catalog page.



Academic and Technical Standards

A minimum grade of C- must be achieved in all required science and mathematics courses used toward graduation in chemistry/secondary education, and a 2.00 cumulative grade-point average in the sciences is a requirement for graduation.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe and apply advanced chemical information and concepts.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in safe laboratory practices and use of instrumentation standard to the discipline.
  • Students will be able to clearly communicate chemical information in both oral and written forms.
  • Students will be able to work collaboratively in various team settings.
  • Students will be able to compete successfully for placement in graduate programs or employment relevant to the field of study.


A student with a major in another department may minor in Chemistry with the permission of the Chemistry and Physics Department Chair.  Twenty-three hours of course work is required for the Minor in Chemistry as specified below. This minor indicates a significant level of accomplishment in the important foundation areas of Chemistry.

Minor Required Courses 23
CHE 110 - General Chemistry I 4
CHE 111 - General Chemistry II 4
CHE 210 or 210G - Organic Chemistry I 5
CHE 211 or 211G - Organic Chemistry II 5
CHE 307 - Quantitative Analysis 5`

The chemistry course grade point average must be maintained at 2.00 (C) or better. Please note that there are no substitutions for the above requirements.

Honors Program

We offer qualified students the option of participating in our and graduating with Honors. This includes significant research, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member.

Transfer Credit


Preferred conditions for entry into the chemistry major are completion of at least three years of high school mathematics and three years of high school science, including biology, chemistry and physics. See Undergraduate Admissions also.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.